Related: Academy Awards,
Amnesty International,
Bille August,
Black Swan,
Blue Valentine,
Boston Society of Film Critics,
Cannes Film Festival,
Don Jon's Addiction,
Independent Spirit Awards,
Jafar Panahi,
Jeremy Irons,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt,
Mélanie Laurent,
Paradies: Hoffnung,
Paul Haggis,
Scarlett Johanson,
Wong Kar Wai,
Boston Phoenix
Panahi update
Published 2/7/2011 by Peter Keough
The turmoil in Egypt dominates the news from the Middle East, overshadowing the recent oppressive measures imposed by the Iranian despots. Apparently in an attempt...
Boston Phoenix
Kangaroo courts: Panahi and the MPAA
Published 12/7/2010 by Peter Keough
Persecuted filmmaker Jafar Panahi finally got his day in court a couple of weeks ago, whatever that might mean in the Iranian justice system, and...