And then there are the usual sugar-plum delights: Drosselmeier giving his on-the-fritz watch to an overjoyed Fritz; Drosselmeier rising like a ghoul out of the owl clock (owls being the enemies of mice); the Mouse King with his scimitar parodying the Turkish Knight from England's St. George and the Dragon mummers' play; the four baby mice parodying Swan Lake's "Dance of the Cygnets" during the battle scene. Maybe the magic is just in knowing where to look.
2009: The year in dance, Anniversary waltz, So you think you can dance?, More
- 2009: The year in dance
You could say there were two tremendous forces that propelled dance into the world of modern culture: the Ballets Russes of Serge Diaghilev and the choreography of Merce Cunningham.
- Anniversary waltz
Caitlin Corbett Dance Company, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary at the Tsai Center last weekend, achieved another of its people-dance successes, a two-part series of one-minute duets featuring 36 big, small, awkward, suave, surprising, funny, and raring-to-go dancers and non-dancers of all ages.
- So you think you can dance?
One of the few things that heats up a winter's night more than a dance party? A dance competition . Yes, you heard right.
- Review: La Danse: Le Ballet de L'Opéra de Paris
Frederick Wiseman's documentary is a love letter to Paris, to the Palais Garnier opera house (the Bastille gets a cameo), and the Paris Opera Ballet.
- From Mozart to milonga
We Bostonians may swathe ourselves in sweaters and lock our doors against the blustery weather, but once the music begins, dance performances can help us shake off the shivers — and often transport us to more temperate climes.
- 2010 preview
What’s coming to the clubs
- New stuff
One thing that impressed me was that dance invention seems to be making a comeback as a major challenge for young choreographers after years of being stirred into the multimedia stew.
- Squiggles and lines
The eponymous directors of Alonzo King Lines Ballet and the Mark Morris Dance Group both came from backgrounds in modern dance with sprinklings of other styles, and they both subsequently invented movement vocabularies to serve their choreographic ideas.
- Pas de divorce
It’s been a roller-coaster six weeks at Boston Ballet.
- The real deal
Nineteenth-century ballets are not all alike. But Boston Ballet's Sleeping Beauty is the real McCoy.
- Slideshow: Ballets Russes at the Wang
Boston Ballet performs "Diaghilev's Ballets Russes Centennial Celebration" at the Wang Theater
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, Entertainment, Boston Ballet Orchestra, Basque Fatherland and Liberty, More
, Entertainment, Boston Ballet Orchestra, Basque Fatherland and Liberty, Dance, Boston Ballet, Boston Ballet, Misa Kuranaga, James Whiteside, Lia Cirio, Pavel Gurevich, Less