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Hearts of glass

California cool at the Addison Gallery
In the photo it is night, and two women in cocktail dresses sit — perhaps chatting while jazz plays in the background — in a spare modern living room.
By: GREG COOK  |  March 19, 2008


Trying to place it

“New England Survey” at the PRC, American Mobility at Gasp, 18th-Century Porcelain at the Busch-Reisinger, and Viktor Schreckengost in Attleboro
The stubbornly beautiful New England landscape has inspired poets as varied as Emily Dickinson and Donald Hall.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  March 18, 2008


Naughty by nature

Spring Arts Preview: Landscape, road trips, weddings, and Spain
Landscape has inspired artists as varied as the romantic 19th-century Hudson River School painters and the macho 20th-century Earth Artists.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  March 10, 2008


Sizing things up

Monumental Prints and Small Ponds at the Davis Museum, ‘Art and Math’ at Axiom, Glass Sea Creatures at Harvard, and New Rationalists at Proof
Back in the day — and by that I mean the 15th century — printing on paper was in its infancy in Europe, since the process of papermaking had just made its way there from China.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  March 10, 2008



Global warming inspires eco art at Montserrat and the BCA
When Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize last October, it was a triumph for anti-global-warming forces as well as a triumph for art.
By: GREG COOK  |  March 03, 2008


Your history

‘Impermanence’ at the Essex Art Center, ‘Two Chinas’ at WAM, Renée Green at the Carpenter Center, and Feminism at the MFA
For a building, inclusion on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s 11 Most Endangered list is a mixed blessing.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  February 26, 2008


Documentary evidence

‘War Stories’ and Maori tattoos, plus the SMFA’s ‘Traveling Scholars’
The theme of MassArt’s “War Stories” is what we talk about when we talk about war — the Iraq War in particular.
By: GREG COOK  |  February 27, 2008



Body modification as art at the Peabody Essex Museum
As Massachusetts’s puritanical Blue Laws started to fade in the late 1990s, the kids on Comm Ave rejoiced.
By: SALLY CRAGIN  |  February 20, 2008


Lighting up

Moyra Davey at the Fogg, ‘Two or Three Things I Know about Her’ at the Carpenter Center, and Arno Rafael Minkkinen at BU
Poor Abraham Lincoln.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  February 19, 2008


Skin deep

‘Maori Tattoo’ at the Peabody Essex, Jim Henderson and Ann Torke at Boston Sculptors, and Student Shows at the MFA and SMFA
The facial and body tattoos of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori people were originally chiseled into the skin by means of an albatross bone and vegetable-based pigments.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  February 12, 2008


Scenes from childhood

The DeCordova’s classic kids photos, plus Pixnit’s graffiti, and Malcolm X
His head is bowed and his eyes are closed. It was three days before he was gunned down at Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom.
By: GREG COOK  |  February 12, 2008


Majoring and minering in theater

'The World as a Stage' at the ICA
The re-enactment is part community therapy, part exorcism; the resulting video is tense and visceral and heartbreaking.
By: GREG COOK  |  February 05, 2008


Wings of desire

Samuel Bak’s ‘Remembering Angels’
Half a millennium after her birth, in the wake of world wars and genocides, she’s become timeless.
By: JEFFREY GANTZ  |  January 30, 2008


Time is on my side

David Claerbout at MIT, Children at the DeCordova, Kabuki Theater at the Peabody Essex, and more
We tend to take the passage of time for granted, reconciling such disparate experiences as 10 minutes spent rushing through lunch and 10 minutes spent waiting for a bus.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 29, 2008


The roar of the greasepaint

‘The World as a Stage’ at the ICA, ‘British Prints 1914–1939’ and ‘Traveling Scholars’ at the MFA, and Colombian Artists at GASP
“Theatricality” used to have negative connotations when used to describe fine art: glitzy surface rather than nourishing substance, suspiciously melodramatic gesture, the faked as opposed to the Real.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 23, 2008


Bought and sold

Rampant consumerism and Iván Navarro at Tufts, ‘Some Sort of Uncertainty’ at Axiom
So I’d like to declare that art about consumerism is one of the æsthetic trends of our young millennium.
By: GREG COOK  |  January 22, 2008


Diamonds in the rough

Holocaust survivor Meyer Hack kept a special collection of jewelry secret for 60 years
In 1941, 27-year-old Polish Jew Meyer Hack was deported to Auschwitz along with his mother, two sisters, and brother.
By: IAN SANDS  |  January 17, 2008


Ill wind

Apocalyptic dread in the galleries
In the muddy rusty autumnal scrub, a fox, who could have been imagined by Richard Scarry, sits on a log and a smiling rabbit lies in brambles.
By: GREG COOK  |  January 14, 2008


Re-creational vehicle

‘Broken Home: 1997/2007,’ ‘Empires and Environments,’ and ‘Arp to Reinhardt’ at the Rose, ‘Selections ’08’ at Mass Art, and Liz Linder at Space 242
Gallery exhibitions organized by high-profile outside curators have become an art-season staple.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 14, 2008


Unguarded glamour

The Queens' Queen
In the formative days of her photography career, Kelly Davidson snapped portraits of dolls, and she took it seriously.
By: CAITLIN E. CURRAN  |  January 09, 2008


Acquiring minds

‘Branded and On Display’ and Iván Navarro at Tufts, David Ording and Ledelle Moe at BU
Given that virtually every activity in our lives is experienced through purchases, the exhibition’s focus on branding is sure to resonate with those of us facing post-holiday bills.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 08, 2008

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