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Editors' Picks
MBTA Poetry Slam
Ah, the T. Whether a late Green Line train has made you miss an important appointment and sent your life into a downward spiral of despair; you first locked eyes with your true love across a packed Red Line car at rush hour; or a creepy mouth-breather mistook your ass for the safety bar, chances are riding the T has gotten you all worked up at some point. The folks behind Boston Poetry Sam feel you. That’s why they’re holding a special MBTA Slam at the Cantab tonight. Local poets have channeled T-inspired feelings of rage/horror/love/lust into transit-themed verses, which they’ll use to compete — in teams divided by subway route lines — for bragging rights more awe-inspiring than the Silver Line’s half-train/half-bus magic.
The Red, Orange, Green, and Blue Lines will each be represented by four slammers