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Archaic laws to be repealed

By THIS JUST IN  |  January 24, 2007

An Act Relative to the Reform of Archaic Laws would repeal the following sections from the Massachusetts General Laws:

SECTION 1. Section 16A of Chapter 264 of the General Laws, is hereby repealed (repeals law stating that the Communist Party is a “subversive organization”).

SECTION 2. Section 34 of Chapter 265 of the General Laws, is hereby repealed (repeals requirement that only licensed physicians may administer tattoos).

SECTION 3. Section 14 of Chapter 270 of the General Laws is hereby repealed (repeals provision criminalizing spitting in public).

SECTION 4. Section 14 of Chapter 272 of the General Laws is hereby repealed (repeals provision criminalizing adultery).

SECTION 5. Section 18 of chapter 272 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 1998 Official Edition, is hereby repealed (repeals provision criminalizing fornication).

SECTION 6. Section 20 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals criminalization of advertising or distributing information regarding miscarriages and the prevention of pregnancy).

SECTION 7. Section 21 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the provision criminalizing the distribution or advertising of contraceptive devices or unlawful abortions).

SECTION 8. Section 21A of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the provision criminalizing the distribution of contraception to unmarried persons).

SECTION 9. Section 26 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals criminalization of “resorting to restaurants or taverns for immoral solicitation”).

SECTION 10. Section 34 of Chapter 272, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out, in lines 1 to 2, the words “commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature, either with mankind or” and inserting in place thereof the words:— engages in sexual relations (revising law regarding beastiality so that the prohibition does not apply to sexual relations between humans).

SECTION 11. Section 35 of Chapter 272 of the, as so appearing, is hereby repealed (repeals the criminalization of “unnatural and lascivious acts”).

SECTION 12. Section 36 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals criminalization of “blasphemy”).

SECTION 13. Section 39 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the criminalization of selling goods, caring for horses, and racing of horses near camp meetings).

SECTION 14. Section 63 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the law permitting the arrest of person deemed to be “tramps”).

SECTION 15. Section 64 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals an additional law pertaining to tramps).

SECTION 16. Section 65 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals provision allowing law enforcement officials to arrest a tramp without a warrant).

SECTION 17. Section 66 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the criminalization of vagrancy).

SECTION 18. Section 67 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the provision allowing law enforcement officers to arrest vagrants without a warrant).

SECTION 19. Section 68 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals criminalization of “vagabonds”).

SECTION 20. Section 69 of Chapter 272 is hereby repealed (repeals the law allowing law enforcement officers to arrest vagabonds without a warrant).

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