BARD LITE Brooke Hardman and De’Lon Grant pare Shakespeare’s characterizations down to a bare, if affecting, bone. |
If you're thinking that Shakespeare never released a greatest-hits play, you've never seen Cymbeline. Then again, that wouldn't put you in a very elite group, since this late (1610 or 1611) romance is one of the Bard's least-produced works. Its title character is king of the British Celts in the first century AD, and he's facing invasion by the Roman forces of Emperor Caesar Augustus, but Rule Britannia takes a back seat to melodrama and magic in this tale of a banished lord, two royal sons stolen from their nursery, a wicked stepmother and her cloddish son, a royal daughter who marries against her father's wishes, a girl dressing up as a boy, and the testing of the faithful wife. At the new Storefront on Elm space (it used to be Jimmy Tingle's Off Broadway Theater) in Davis Square, as directed by Doug Lockwood, Actors' Shakespeare Project gives an extroverted, emotional reading (through February 20) that's accessible, poignant, and often funny but doesn't penetrate to the heart of the play's spiritual rebirth.Part of the problem here is the Bard's concept of time. Shakespeare's four last plays (if we exclude Henry VIII) - Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest - spin out stories of death and resurrection, of lost and found, often over a span of decades. They were likely written for the proscenium stage of Blackfriars Theatre, for an indoor audience that had settled in to enjoy a full evening's entertainment.
Even by that standard, Cymbeline is overstuffed. The king has married a second time, and he was hoping that his daughter, Princess Innogen, would marry the queen's son, Cloten, even though Cloten is such a dolt that the dullest groundling would see straight through him. Innogen has instead married the noble but poor Posthumus, who, being banished for his crime, hies himself abroad and wagers that Italian stallion Iachimo can't seduce his wife. Iachimo resorts to the hoary ploy of hiding in a trunk, then popping out in Innogen's bedchamber and stealing a bracelet (and a peek at her breast) while she sleeps, thus convincing Posthumus (who's not much smarter than Cloten, it turns out) that he's succeeded. The rest practically writes itself: Posthumus disowns Innogen; Innogen runs away, dons manly attire, and joins the invading Roman legions; the banished lord and the king's two sons turn up; Cloten tries to kill Posthumus but is instead dispatched by one of the sons; Innogen takes a powder and is thought to be dead but isn't; Posthumus and the sons save Cymbeline from the Romans; the queen dies, Iachimo confesses, all identities are revealed, and everyone is reconciled and forgiven.
Review: The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet, Fighting Rome, A Danish punk, More
- Review: The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet
For young love, kiss, and star-cross, you're hard-pressed to get/more quintessence than Romeo and Juliet...
- Fighting Rome
It takes chutzpah for a first-time playwright to get into the ring with Bertolt Brecht.
- A Danish punk
The sad mad Danish prince is probably the most oft-quoted tragic hero in the English language, but he's a lot more than that. He is also, as I was reminded recently by a theater companion encountering him for the first time, pretty exasperating to be around, as well as "kind of a punk."
- A smooth course
A Midsummer Night's Dream is arguably the Bard's sultriest, silliest, and most gossamer comedy. As such, of course, it is also among the most oft-produced al fresco summer offerings in the whole canon.
- Twin peaks
The bay of Ephesus laps Collins Avenue in Commonwealth Shakespeare Company's Latin-tinged, frisky if over-frenetic The Comedy of Errors (at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common through August 16). It is not across sands of subtlety but through a spray of salsa that the perpetrators of this 1930s-South-Beach-set riff on Shakespeare's early comedy pratfall.
- Mixed and mismatched
Oh those Elizabethans, those cutups, those bawdy scamps. If we had only William Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors to go by, we'd wonder how the Brits ever built an empire between all the misidentifications and panicked confusions.
- Brilliant and infuriating
Shakespeare didn’t slow dance when he wrote Romeo and Juliet — he went for the essence of impetuous young love like a brisk waltz.
- Review: Me and Orson Welles
With Orson Welles, it's all in the voice — which over the course of four decades could sell anything from a Martian invasion to Paul Masson wine.
- Dane Cook is funny
There are two things that non-comedians feel the need to tell me when discussing comedy. One is "Bob Saget is filthy." The other is "Dane Cook is not funny."
- Earnestly funny
Considering that Alan Ayckbourn may be the most staged living English playwright besides Shakespeare, as some accounts declare, why isn't he produced more often in American theaters?
- Give me back my bloody pad
I was wondering ...
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, Doug Lockwood, Marya Lowry, Celtic, More
, Doug Lockwood, Marya Lowry, Celtic, WICKED, funny, British, Shakespeare, Actor's Shakespeare Project, Brooke Hardman, Less