New York City Ballet, from George Balanchine to Peter Martins, has specialized in streamlining the stuffings out of classical ballets in order to bring dancing to the forefront. I think Martins was working toward this kind of bare-bones synthesis in Ocean's Kingdom, but his choreography neither illuminates the characters and the tensions implied in the plot, nor allows his dancers to flaunt their technical chops. Even the 19th-century tintypes still give us that.
Game Review: The Beatles: Rock Band, The Big Hurt: Aussie asses sued off, Photos: Paul McCartney at Fenway, More
- Game Review: The Beatles: Rock Band
Can we agree that the music-game market is saturated? To stand out in this crowd, you'd need something special. You'd need the Beatles.
- The Big Hurt: Aussie asses sued off
MEN AT WORK — best known for their 1983 hit "Down Under" — have just had their pants sued off by a dead schoolmarm and her 78-year-old Girl Scout song.
- Photos: Paul McCartney at Fenway
Photos of the former Beatle performing at Fenway Park
- VIDEO: Watch Paul McCartney at Fenway
Watch Paul McCartney in concert at Fenway Park
- The Big Hurt: Deluxe buyer's guide
Record labels used to be content to slap a "remastered" sticker and a few B-sides on an album and call it deluxe, but that kind of lackluster package won't fly in 2010.
- Steve Martin to give Portland the Bird
Things that are important to understand going into Steve Martin's bluegrass performance, backed by the Steep Canyon Rangers, at Merrill Auditorium: 1) The music is dead serious. 2) So is the comedy.
- From Sir, with love
However people go about justifying an expensive rock experience — whether laundering it through nostalgia, taking it as a sound investment in one’s pop-culture equity, or writing it off as a de facto co-pay toward rock’s fast-failing status quo — a Paul McCartney show just seems . . . different, excusable, maybe even compulsory.
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Photos from Blink-182 Summer Tour with Panic! At The Disco, Chester French, and Fall Out Boy
- Heaven and hell
Feel, feel for Sir Paul McCartney.
- Review: Mayhem Fest 2009
A mere 10 minutes after setting foot in the Comcast Center, my editor and I witness our first major act of Mayhem Fest carnage. Actually, we couldn't have missed it -- it was aimed directly at us.
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Perhaps no platform has more consistently delivered solid indie titles than the Xbox 360, whose Live Arcade now offers hundreds of selections, from high-definition updates of the classics to forward-thinking boutique games.
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, Paul McCartney, New York City Ballet, Peter Martins