Should you attend this year’s “Found Footage Festival” at the Coolidge Corner, these are the images you will never be able to un-see: a woman who is way too juiced up about cat massage; a man who performs science experiments on his own phlegm; a dangerous nerd knife-fighting a side of beef; an avalanche of green-screened babies; a sensual mature Angela Lansbury in a bathtub. After years of rummaging through Goodwill bins for videotapes, FFF curators Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher (whose credentials include the Onion and The Late Show with David Letterman) have amassed a formidable pile of bizarre ephemera — and they’re only too eager to rape your mind with it. With all-new film finds, tighter montages, and more elaborate original skits (like “Talkin’ Beards,” a cable-access parody with Chris Elliott), the third incarnation of the FFF may just be their best work yet. Folks, if the words “Winnebago Man” mean anything to you, pre-order tickets for this one-night Coolidge screening NOW. 120 minutes | Coolidge Corner: October 9