Nevermind the impending apocalypse — 2012 has brought nothing but new beginnings for Swedish folk sister-duo First Aid Kit. Johanna and Klara Söderberg released The Lion's Roar (Wichita), their official US debut, in January, and by summer they were harmonizing alongside Conor Oberst at the Newport Folk Festival. Now they've just embarked on a tour that will last through New Year's Eve and take them from Chicago to Helsinki to Australia's Great Ocean Road.
The album's title track has been the catalyst to First Aid Kit's banner year — but the sisters are ready for their next pursuit. " 'The Lion's Roar' is a defining song for us," says Klara. "We were tapping into something darker than what we've done before, and it's a song we've probably played a thousand times live. We had our honeymoon period with the record, but we had to move on from that and make something better and different."
Adds Johanna: "The craziest thing is, we keep meeting our idols — Patti Smith, Jack White, Paul Simon. Their approval hasn't made us more cocky, but confident. We just know more of what we want to do musically, and I think we'll take away a lot from our experiences on the road." First Aid Kit's victory lap of never-ending tour dates will spill over into 2013 as well, meaning the Söderberg sisters should have an even bigger year on the horizon.
FIRST AID KIT + DYLAN LEBLANC:: Royale, 279 Tremont St, Boston::September 28 @ 6 pm::All ages::$23::617.866.8933 or
Primed 4 SXSW ’12, Claire Boucher makes Grimes her thing, Nada Surf look to the galaxy for answers, More
- Primed 4 SXSW ’12
The headlines and posts for South by Southwest 2012 (the music portion of which this year runs March 14-18) have not only been fast and furious, but also packed with some serious celebrity appeal.
- Claire Boucher makes Grimes her thing
If you want to make music — I mean, if you really want to make music — there are several steps.
- Nada Surf look to the galaxy for answers
For Matthew Caws, songwriting isn't exactly fun. In fact, it's more like agony.
- Confronting the Swedish gloom of In Solitude
When I am finally able to get through to the cell phone of In Solitude's tour manager, they have emerged from a massive dust cloud, their metal-mobile finding civilization after a long spell traversing the deserts of Arizona with no idea where they are going.
- Razormaze adds focus to their thrash
For a kind-of goofy metal dude, Alex Citrone is pretty serious — especially when he talks metal, and especially when he's talking about his band, Boston shred titans Razormaze.
- The Fringe at 40
"I'm feeling a little light-headed," George Garzone told the audience last Saturday at the Boston Conservatory Theater, closing his eyes and bringing a hand to his brow.
- Porcelain Raft eases out of the shadows
Although Porcelain Raft released their debut full-length, Strange Weekend (Secretly Canadian), earlier this year, the project's mastermind, Mauro Remiddi, is no novice.
- The preservation of Carolina Chocolate Drops
Seeing a Carolina Chocolate Drops concert is a transformative experience — and not just because of the old-time string band's immense talents and diverse instrumentation.
- Out: Dancing among DJs at Petrol's third-anniversary party at Middlesex
The appearance of DFA Records heavyweights the Juan Maclean and Justin Miller at the third anniversary of Petrol, the monthly Tuesday-night party at Middlesex, was going off — popping off.
- Photos: Garbage at The Paradise Rock Club
Garbage played The Paradise Rock Club on Saturday, May 26, 2012.
- Photos: Radiohead at Comcast Center
Radiohead played the Comcast Center on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
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