Hey, the Rolling Stones’ 50th anniversary isn’t the only ancient history to get hopped up about this year — here are some other treasures from the vaults.
OMNIBUS :: Eccentric Soul:: Numero Group:: $250:: The saintly staff of Numero have been campaigning for nearly a decade on behalf of some of the most obscure vinyl sides ever cut, focusing on regional soul and R&B oddities that, in sum, form an alternate history of modern American music. This, their 45th release, is a compendium of tracks that didn't fit on any of the prior 44, a massive cup-runneth-over of 45 45s that gives lavish treatment to 90 sides of criminally ignored funk and soul radness.
Hip-Hop: Get On Down, Apocalypse, Now: Gifts for doomsayers, Boxes for the Box: DVD sets for the holidays, More
- Hip-Hop: Get On Down
The record industry has always treated hip-hop as a disposable commodity, so that even iconic work has gone without the slick packaging of archival rock and pop projects.
- Apocalypse, Now: Gifts for doomsayers
You still haven't started your holiday shopping? Don't bother.
- Boxes for the Box: DVD sets for the holidays
Call us homebodies, call us lazy, but the plain fact is that most nights we're more than happy to stay at home on the couch in ratty sweats, cozied up to a box of wine.
- How Bazaar: Gifts for craft-lovers
One of our favorite holiday-season craft fairs is the Boston Bazaar Bizarre, an annual tradition within the DIY crafting community.
- Guiltless giving
Re-gifting is a practice that's only acceptable in certain circumstances — namely the annual office-party Secret Santa ordeal.
- Deck the halls with boughs of dankies
Better than a fat bag of skunk, the Commonwealth's vote to legalize medical marijuana has come as the best gift any Mass stoner could ask for.
- Gifts for doomsayers
You still haven't started your holiday shopping? Don't bother.
- Atheist Holiday Traditions
Decorating the phylogenetic tree, and all the rest.
- Tegan & Sara set a new sound
If there were any question that confessional pop darlings Tegan and Sara were heading in a new direction with their forthcoming album, Heartthrob (Warner Bros), the upbeat new single "Closer" dispells these doubts.
- Eternal Summers find trust in others
Eternal Summers started as a guitar-and-drums duo in Roanoke, Virginia, in 2009.
- Chad Stokes empowers his radio
To say that this is a busy time for Chad Stokes is an understatement.
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Music Features
, Alice Cooper, holiday, music features, More
, Alice Cooper, holiday, music features, gift guide 2012, Less