The LemmingTrail holiday party, Great Scott, December 22, 2006
By WILL SPITZ | December 29, 2006
“It smells like a middle-school dance,” said username andysad at the LemmingTrail message-board holiday party at Great Scott last Friday. And for the beginning of the night it sure felt like one, despite all the PBR tall boys and Black Flag songs interspersed among Madonna and Dr. Dre courtesy of DJ Ben Sisto (I missed Ben’s younger brother/board honcho/party host Matt Sisto’s set, but apparently he played King Crimson and T. Rex, and at the end of the night I saw him carrying a stack of records with Can’s Ege Bamyasi on top). The crowd — an indeterminate mix of board regulars, noobs, lurkers, trolls, and even a couple of norms (gasp!) — stood with people they already knew IRL, anxiously scanning the room for familiar faces and trying to look as good as their MySpace pics.“If anyone here makes out in front of everyone, it will be on the Internet tomorrow,” said username ManxomeFoe, who was helpfully wearing a usernametag. Actually, it probably would’ve been on the Internet immediately — the elder Sisto, using the club’s wi-fi, started an “Official BLT 2k6 Holiday Party LIVE THREAD” from the DJ booth.
A little after eleven o’clock, as the room hit capacity and the tall boys started kicking in, Boston’s answer to Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, the so-soulful Eli “Paperboy” Reed & the True Loves, took the stage. Reed wailed and moaned over the airtight grooves laid down by his crack band — two saxes, trumpet, guitar, bass, and drums — and folks were moved to shake a tail feather. After a not-so-silent moment of silence for James Brown, the band kicked into the Godfather’s 1960 hit “I’ll Go Crazy.”
Username drisky (a/k/a Kevin “Lone Wolf” Driscoll) closed the night with a DJ set of hip-hop and dance jams by the likes of E-40, Kelis, and Daft Punk. The lights came on as Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” played. People hugged and slowly filtered out of the club. Then they went home and talked about the party on the Internet.
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, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Music Stars, Rick Astley, Hip-Hop and Rap, Music, Culture and Lifestyle, Daft Punk, Holidays, James Brown, Less