Grossman for Treasurer |
Far too often, politics is the act of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. This election, voters have the unique chance of choosing a candidate who is a perfect fit for the office he seeks. That is why we endorse Democrat STEVE GROSSMAN for treasurer.
Simply put, Grossman knows his way around money. As a businessman, he helped nurture and expand the company founded by his father and uncle. As a philanthropist, he has been active in supporting a wide range of beneficial causes and arts groups. And as a political activist, he has been allied with two of his party’s true champions, Governor Michael Dukakis and President Bill Clinton.
It might be a touch poetic to say that Grossman is a man for all seasons, but he comes mighty close.
Grossman’s is a highly leveraged candidacy. His ideas for re-energizing the treasurer’s office would also ripple through state government to positive effect.
Grossman pledges to put the state’s checkbook online, making it possible for the public to see how its tax dollars are being spent.
He also proposes to create a job fund by prudently directing some pension-fund money toward credit-worthy companies.
Grossman will move state funds out of big national banks that have been unresponsive to Massachusetts’s needs and redirect those deposits to community banks that are more attuned to the grassroots economy.
In addition, he will seek legislation that would allow small businesses to band together to buy health insurance as a group, thus strengthening the fabric of the local economy.
Grossman combines expertise and integrity with imagination. That is why the Phoenix urges you to give him your vote for treasurer.
Attorney General MARTHA COAKLEY deserves re-election. This has been a bruising year for Coakley. Her loss to Scott Brown in the special election to fill the late Edward Kennedy’s Senate seat has unfortunately and unfairly obscured her solid achievements as AG.
When it comes to consumer protection from fraud, Massachusetts is the envy of other New England states.
Thanks to Coakley’s efforts, Massachusetts families and businesses have saved $100 million in utility costs.
In an age when controlling health-care costs is paramount, Medicaid fraud is a front-line priority.
In terms of standing up for taxpayers, Coakley’s office has recovered $5 for every $1 in its budget. Most voters would be surprised that the AG makes more money for the state than the office costs.
And on the issue of equal rights for people of all genders and sexual orientation, Coakley is a national leader.
Coakley has a strong record of achievement. She deserves your vote.
Insiders joke on Beacon Hill that Secretary of State WILLIAM GALVIN is the dark prince of State House politics. Galvin certainly knows his way around the back rooms, but he runs a tight and — most important of all — professional ship. Vote to re-elect Galvin.
SUZANNE BUMP has served the commonwealth as legislator, private advocate, and cabinet secretary — in each case, acting with independence, integrity, and competence. She will do so again as the state's auditor.