Played on the piano
By MATT JONES | December 29, 2010
Click here for this week's solution

1 Recipe amt.
4 Less leafy, like a tree
9 Govt. group with a director
12 Evening, in France
13 "___ of Two Cities"
14 "I got you good on that one!"
15 ___ extra charge
16 Mail-in payment
18 Caught the villain, on the piano?
20 "The Waste Land" poet
21 How-___ (instruction guides)
22 In ___ (hurried)
25 Free letters in the "Wheel of Fortune" bonus round
27 Audrey Tautou role
28 Cole slaw left out in the sun, on the piano?
32 Pet for Harry Potter
35 Prince's unpronounceable symbol, for one
36 Boxing match div.
37 Make a pop star eat the meat dress she wore, on the piano?
42 Person with phobias
43 Roots expose it
47 Combine
48 Getaway spot
51 Winter month, in Mexico
52 "Stayin' Alive" is suddenly unhip, on the piano?
55 Rips to shreds
57 Sea eagle variety
58 Storyline paths
59 Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, for one
60 Dipstick wipers
61 Bug
62 Full of lip
63 Sault ___ Marie Canals | Down
1 Wrecks (a car)
2 Encouragement to a vocalist
3 Woods' field
4 Shakespeare, for one
5 Troubled
6 Filmdom's "one man army"
7 Sewing machine inventor Howe
8 Like some generals: abbr.
9 2000s wireless company
10 Ltd., in the States
11 Mellow
12 Swashbuckler's sword
14 Croatian capital
17 Second side in a game, perhaps
19 Sicilian volcano
23 Omen
24 Pay attention to
26 Painter Degas
27 Reacted to a trapeze artist
29 Taina of "The Mirror Has Two Faces"
30 "___ think so?"
31 Annenberg/___ (non-profit behind educational programming)
32 "...long walk ___ short pier"
33 Stash stuff
34 Trace (to)
38 Substances that make paint set more quickly
39 Trait carriers
40 Gave the look to
41 Wheel covers
44 Be derisive to
45 "___ you glad I didn't say 'banana'?"
46 Indicates
48 Shade in old pictures
49 Rings out
50 Fuzzy 'dos
53 Hiatuses
54 Court figure: abbr.
55 ___ chi
56 Mess up |
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