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How gay is Southie?

Once unthinkable, Boston’s most notorious neighborhood now sports a welcoming face. How the hell did that happen?
By ERICA CORSANO  |  October 19, 2009


It’s just another Thursday night in South Boston.

Local bars like the Boston Beer Garden and the Playwright are overstuffed with hard-drinking twenty- and thirtysomethings, mostly locals and the new crop of Southie transplants looking for a hookup.

The men are knuckling up to the bar, eyeing deals on pitchers of Miller Lite or Budweiser, scoping out prime real estate in front of a flat-screen TV to watch their favorite Boston sports team, and maybe even getting some love from one of the female hotties prancing around in skin-tight denim and low-cut halter tops.

The scene is similar at the Junction, another popular local watering hole. There’s a stench of beer and cologne in the air, pint glasses are being filled by the dozen, and the athletic attire that is the unofficial after-work uniform of the Southie male is everywhere in sight. But something seems off in this prototypical pub in the heart of historically xenophobic South Boston. Maybe it’s this: almost every guy in the Junction tonight is gay.

A Southie girl almost three-years strong, I’ve gotten to know my neighbors in this community well. Though I happen to spend most of my free time in other parts of Boston, I still enjoy occasional voyeuristic adventures in a tavern or pub in my own back yard. On this Thursday in August, my roommate Mickey has convinced me to join him on a local Facebook-formed outing for “the New Southie.” The group with the intentionally vague-sounding name is sort of like a gay flash mob that meets once a month at a different Southie straight bar — except they get the establishment’s permission before sending out invites.

When Mickey first asked me out for the night (full disclosure: we’ve got a total Will and Grace situation going on: he’s a gay lawyer and I like to belt out show tunes), I assumed we were off to Jacque’s, Stella, or Club Café, all South End safe havens for the local gay population. When I found out that Mickey — who prior to discovering this group would rather have cleaned out our fridge than hang out socially in Southie — was now attending “events” in our own ‘hood, I was stunned. Our neighborhood doesn’t exactly have the best reputation for being warm and welcoming to outsiders.

“A bunch of us found out about New Southie and decided to join,” he explained. “Most of my gay male friends that live here don’t ever hang out here — why would we? But this seemed like a fun excuse to get out in our own area and get to know other gays that wanted to do the same. I was all about it.”

New Southie was founded by gay resident Phil Sheats and a few of his friends. Although he insists that it is open to anyone (its official FB mission statement claims that it is a “group designed to help facilitate networking amongst cool people in Southie”), it’s mostly gay, and its male members (there are a handful of women in the group) are joining for the same reasons that Mickey cited.

Initially, the soirées were held in individuals’ homes. But as the group grew larger and more confident, Sheats and the other organizers decided they wanted to socialize in public and swell its membership. So far, they’ve acquired 180 regulars, with crowds of 50 to 60 men showing up every time they meet.

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Re: How gay is Southie?
Perfect timing for the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal. Way to go Ms. Corsano! Excellent article! Well timed, and - ITS ABOUT TIME! //
By BostonBred on 10/15/2009 at 11:37:29
Re: How gay is Southie?
It appears that even the most bigoted South Boston resident has something to learn from Ms. Corsano.
By SoBoFive on 10/16/2009 at 5:33:44
Re: How gay is Southie?
 I have been living in Southie for 10 years now and every year the gay population increases.  This article is some most Southie residents have known about for a years now.
By SouthBostonYuppie on 10/17/2009 at 7:31:27
Re: How gay is Southie?
 I have been living in Southie for 10 years now and every year the gay population increases.  This article is some most Southie residents have known about for a years now.
By SouthBostonYuppie on 10/17/2009 at 7:31:32
Re: How gay is Southie?
I have been living in Southie for 10 years now and every year the gay population increases.  This article is some most Southie residents have known about for a years now.
By SouthBostonYuppie on 10/17/2009 at 7:31:49
Re: How gay is Southie?
It's unfortunate that Ms. Corsano feels the need to denigrate an entire community to get her point across, baseless tho it might be. Her ignorance of real world Southie is also obvious as she rehashes the same old Southie stereotype descriptions. Here's a news flash for you Ms. Corsano. Southie has been a safe haven for gays going back 30 plus years. The majority of 'real' Southie residents have friends and/or family members that are gay and no they don't feel the need to hide it. They consider themselves individuals and not part of a pack. I'm sure if you actually did some research, Ms. Corsano, you would find incidents of gay-bashing much higher in other parts of not only Boston, but the whole state. It always amazes me that the people that cry out the most for tolerance aren't willing to give it in return. Pathetic.
By Maggie on 10/18/2009 at 11:38:11
Re: How gay is Southie?
Ms. Corsano's bigotry overrides some of the interesting things one might actually take away from reading her article about South Boston. Ms. Corsano, for the record-- not all working-class people are stupid. Not all Irish people or Irish-Americans are boozing, bigoted, brawlers, not all gay people are flamboyant, etc., etc., etc. The fact that The Boston Phoenix actually printed some of the remarks made in this essay astounds me. Additionally, if you wrote about the South End in the 1970's, you'd be writing a very different article than you did today. Some of us are old enough to remember when the South End became the "New" South End. Neighborhoods transition. South Boston is transitioning too. The transitions offer positive and negative changes. One thing that never seems to change about South Boston, however, are the writers out there who know nothing about South Boston, but write about it as if they know everything. The "everyone is Southie is an ignorant, racist" angle is an angle that is well worn. I read the Phoenix for new and interesting thinking. This essay certainly doesn't reflect anything new, and it was especially uninteresting.
By sixthstreet on 10/19/2009 at 1:10:32
Re: How gay is Southie?
Ms. Corsano's bigotry overrides some of the interesting things one might actually take away from reading her article about South Boston. Ms. Corsano, for the record-- not all working-class people are stupid. Not all Irish people or Irish-Americans are boozing, bigoted, brawlers, not all gay people are flamboyant, etc., etc., etc. The fact that The Boston Phoenix actually printed some of the remarks made in this essay astounds me. Additionally, if you wrote about the South End in the 1970's, you'd be writing a very different article than you did today. Some of us are old enough to remember when the South End became the "New" South End. Neighborhoods transition. South Boston is transitioning too. The transitions offer positive and negative changes. One thing that never seems to change about South Boston, however, are the writers out there who know nothing about South Boston, but write about it as if they know everything. The "everyone is Southie is an ignorant, racist" angle is an angle that is well worn. I read the Phoenix for new and interesting thinking. This essay certainly doesn't reflect anything new, and it was especially uninteresting.
By sixthstreet on 10/19/2009 at 1:10:46
Re: How gay is Southie?
Ms. Corsano's bigotry overrides some of the interesting things one might actually take away from reading her article about South Boston. Ms. Corsano, for the record-- not all working-class people are stupid. Not all Irish people or Irish-Americans are boozing, bigoted, brawlers, not all gay people are flamboyant, etc., etc., etc. The fact that The Boston Phoenix actually printed some of the remarks made in this essay astounds me. Additionally, if you wrote about the South End in the 1970's, you'd be writing a very different article than you did today. Some of us are old enough to remember when the South End became the "New" South End. Neighborhoods transition. South Boston is transitioning too. The transitions offer positive and negative changes. One thing that never seems to change about South Boston, however, are the writers out there who know nothing about South Boston, but write about it as if they know everything. The "everyone is Southie is an ignorant, racist" angle is an angle that is well worn. I read the Phoenix for new and interesting thinking. This essay certainly doesn't reflect anything new, and it was especially uninteresting.
By sixthstreet on 10/19/2009 at 1:11:33
Re: How gay is Southie?
I have to say as a born and bred Southie girl, I was offended by many of the comments in this article!  I have to agree with Maggie, I have close family members who are gay and I don't feel the need to hide it at all.  I have absolutely no problem with gay men moving in to the community.  I have a problem with the fact that Southie is only an acceptable place to live now that so many of the longtime residents are gone, every article feels the need to rehash how stupid and racist all of us lifelong residents are.  Of course we would feel offended.  We are not the ones who drink too much by the way, these yuppies that move in think it's mardigras 24-7, some of us are actually trying to raise children and don't need our drunk "NEW" neighbors screaming out on the roof deck at all hours of the morning!!!!
By 617girl on 10/29/2009 at 11:41:25
Re: How gay is Southie?
I have to say as a born and bred Southie girl, I was offended by many of the comments in this article!  I have to agree with Maggie, I have close family members who are gay and I don't feel the need to hide it at all.  I have absolutely no problem with gay men moving in to the community.  I have a problem with the fact that Southie is only an acceptable place to live now that so many of the longtime residents are gone, every article feels the need to rehash how stupid and racist all of us lifelong residents are.  Of course we would feel offended.  We are not the ones who drink too much by the way, these yuppies that move in think it's mardigras 24-7, some of us are actually trying to raise children and don't need our drunk "NEW" neighbors screaming out on the roof deck at all hours of the morning!!!!
By 617girl on 10/29/2009 at 11:41:42
Re: How gay is Southie?
By the way, my obnoxious neighbors are straight.  I don't want to be attacked as a bigot.
By 617girl on 10/29/2009 at 11:45:43

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