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Will C | Evil in the Mirror

Brick (2009)
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  July 15, 2009
3.0 3.0 Stars

The old adage that says "if you want to work in television, you should start by mopping floors at NBC" is usually bullshit. Janitors remain janitors, and good-looking assholes with connections climb the ladder. But the apprentice route has developed an infinitely learned beat scholar and inventor in Will C., Boston's 22-year-old Brick Records do-it-all employee who is best known for his mix compilations of rare '80s rap-radio finds and for cameo appearances on Esoteric albums.

Though he's dropped such archival thrillers as Down the Dial, Evil in the Mirror marks his full-length debut as a producer-MC. The project waits five tracks to warm up, but takes flight with the Esoteric-touched "Synthetic Genetics" and soars from then on.

The sounds Will weaves from his limitless crates of dusty diamonds are remarkable; "Be Yourself Syndrome" is an especially crafty symphony. One easy complaint is that even though the relative rookie has remarkable breath control, and tracks like "Losers" and "Trainspotting" pack machete-sharp lyrics, Will's voice doesn't dominate. Then again, that's good news for heads who want to bag a brilliant beat buffet with some hot rhymes on the side.
Related: Marco Polo and Torae | Double Barrel, Sleep | Hesitation Wounds, Review: Food, Inc., More more >
  Topics: CD Reviews , hip-hop, rap, Will C,  More more >
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