GOOD WILL AMBASSADORS: Foundation Movement put themselves on the line |
Eroc and Optimus will be touring Europe in August in support of the flavorful funk/jazz jams on this follow-up to their 2005 local hit Unreleased Classics. The passionate MCs, who won Best Hip-Hop Group honors at the New England Urban Music Awards this year, have been well received in past trips to Israel, the Palestinian territories, and Tanzania, where they’ve been Boston’s pro-human-rights, pro-freedom, underground-hip-hop ambassadors of good will. Here they step their game up with catchier beats, better production, and guest spots by Edo G, Bambuu, Lee Wilson, and Dead Prez — all major-label-level collaborations. In a culture that immortalizes bling rap and senseless violence, FM are a breath of fresh air. The laid-back “Not like All the Others” and the philosophical “Movement” (featuring Edo G) are the standouts for message and groove. The one danger FM flirt with is preaching to the converted, because you never know who’s going to be put off by a track like “End the Occupation,” a plea on behalf of the Palestinian people. But at least they put themselves on the line. Their fellow rappers should take note.On the Web
Foundation Movement: //www.foundationhiphop.net/