Tristan PrettymanHello | Virgin  April 2,
2008 11:01:08 AM
This sophomore set by San Diego–based Tristan Prettyman — a charter member of the post–Jack Johnson folk-pop crew also populated by Matt Costa, Colbie Caillat, and Prettyman’s maybe-boyfriend, Jason Mraz — doesn’t warrant its statement-making title. For one thing, Hello sounds pretty much exactly like Prettyman’s 2005 debut, Twentythree; it’s unlikely that you’ll hear this one and think back to Twentythree and realize you only thought you knew who Tristan Prettyman was. For another, Hello sounds pretty much exactly like lots of other albums out right now by the likes of, oh, Matt Costa, Colbie Caillat, and Jason Mraz — think mellow acoustic-guitar strums, breathy vocals, and even-keeled lyrics about a determination not to fall for old tricks again and the importance of not working oneself up too much. My suggestion for a more accurate title: Hey, I’m Back, and I Brought More Beer.
TRISTAN PRETTYMAN + WHITLEY | Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston | April 9 | 617.931.2000

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