Well, with all respect to David Mehegan, the "sweeping statement" he mentioned really pertains to the the Baby Boomer managers, and journalists, who, over the last 30 some years have had ALL the TIME in the world to innovate, and protect newspapers that are now about to go out of existance throughout this country (and others as well.)
Frankly, many aging boomers falsely believed that they were going to live forever, and did the best they could to keep their jobs over three decades, while at the same time, continuing to force younger reporters to skip from paper to paper, town to town, who've had to face the same "unimaginative" baby boomer executives, publishers, managing editors, and city editors, as well as having to deal with unresponsive boomer journalists who sought more to protect their careerist positions, rather than to innovate before it was too late.
Now, it is too late, and not only for baby boomers, who are lucky enough to even be offered "buyouts" rather than being laid off.
You can't say that for the younger Generation X editors, reporters, etc., who now have NO newspaper to go to since the Baby Boomers, in their own greed and shortsightedness, have destroyed newspapers that lasted over 100 years.
Unimaginative? You bet.
It's downright gruesome and sad to see one generation take down the entire newspaper industry and expect all of us to cry about the "good run" they had.
Great ride. But it's the last ride for any other generation since younger generations cannot follow to even clean up the mess the Baby Boomer generations has left behind.
As for the newspapers ~ there won't be any "mess" to clean up since papers are falling left and right ~ destroyed by the generation that once said never trust anyone over 30.
Great Job baby boomers.