[live review + photos] Necro's last-ever show @ the Middle East, 1.21.11 [NSFW]
It was just another NECRO show at the Middle East last Friday night with the self-proclaimed king of death rap performing for his usual crowd of degenerate drunken assholes and tatted-up groupies all too eager to flash their tits.
Everything was going swimmingly -- the mosh pit was fired up after Rite Hook’s raucous set, groupies were begging to lick Necro’s balls, and there was plenty of displaced aggression to go around when some obviously inebriated and possibly deranged kid managed to catch the death rapper’s attention.
“Necro’s a fucking pussy.”
“You callin’ me a pussy?” Necro says, screaming into the mic, “Come up here and say it to my face, you fucking pussy.”
Necro lunged forward, the crowd turned in, and the mayhem began. The audience became a menagerie of bodies pressed into a clusterfuck around the brawling duo, with half the people trying to get the hell out and the other half thirsty for blood. Fuck yea.
Middle East security staff dragged the offender off somewhere to get beaten up or arrested, and one missing wireless microphone later, Necro returned to his throne with the audience so riled up from all the excitement that I was surprised they didn’t all pop boners or tear the place down. Or both.
And so it should be no surprise then that in the testosterone-loaded atmosphere, Necro’s biggest fan would be -- that’s right -- a stripper. Possibly to show her deep appreciation for his music, or more probably because she was heavily intoxicated, one Die groupie took a break from her usual King Arthur’s routine to give Necro fans something a little more personal. Not a strip-tease so much as just a good look at the goodies. All of them.
But hey, what’s a death rap show without a few fights and at least one stripper? Props to Middle East security staff, Cambridge Police officers, Leedz Edutainment, and Middle East management for holding down the venue and making sure the show didn’t end in a full blown riot. And props to Necro for staying true to his reputation. It might have been his last show at the Middle East, but at least he went out with a little bit of class.
(Editor's Note: These photos, shot by Erin Baldassari, not in any order so don't look for a narrative.)