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Under the sea

Andrew Mowbray at Space Other, ‘Endosymbiont’ at Axiom
Andrew Mowbray climbs through the hatch at the back of a white diving bell.
By: GREG COOK  |  June 27, 2007


Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain

LaMontagne Gallery opens with ‘Regional Highlights’ — plus ‘Endosymbiont’ at Axiom, and Joel Janowitz at Victoria Munroe
Melcher Street in South Boston still feels like a little piece of the late 19th century.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  June 20, 2007


Burning issues

Global warming is the new hot subject in the art world
“Human beings just can’t affect climate that much,” David Arnold remembers Bradford Washburn telling him in 2005.
By: GREG COOK  |  June 20, 2007



Pat Keck’s undead, plus Joe Johnson, Bert Antonio, and Gary Green
In their doll-like stiffness and manufactured hair, Pat Keck's shamelessly wooden, unmistakably hand-hewn figures suggest a descent into the underworld.
By: CHRISTOPHER MILLIS  |  June 12, 2007


Seal of approval

The ICA plays it safe with Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia is a safe, easy choice for the new ICA’s first big artist retrospective.
By: GREG COOK  |  June 06, 2007


Know when to fold ’em

‘Origami Now!’ at the Peabody Essex
Origami has been practiced in Japan for at least the past 400 years, and we’ve all seen the usual paper cranes, boats, hats, boxes.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  June 05, 2007


The hollow man

John M. Armleder at Brandeis, plus Fernand Léger at Harvard
The Swiss artist John Armleder fancies himself a slippery shape shifter.
By: GREG COOK  |  January 28, 2010


David Hockney at the MFA, CAA in Boston, and Jaune Quick-To-See Smith and Ric Haynes
David Hockney has been kind of a rock star in contemporary art history, a flamboyant figure originally fêted for his pioneering use of the cool, magazine-style imagery that was identified with early Pop Art, as well as for his exuberant lust for life.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 28, 2010


Break on through (to the other side)

Traveling Scholars and rock posters at the MFA, student annual at the SMFA, and Islamic drawings at the Sackler
Rachel Perry Welty sees art where many of us see annoying little things to be thrown away or deleted: the funny-shaped plastic tabs cleverly invented to close the bag around a loaf of bread; the identifying stickers found on most fruit; answering-machine messages left at wrong numbers.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 28, 2010

Telling it like it is

By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  October 27, 2008
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