Portfolio: New England Metal and Hardcore Festival 2006, Day Two
New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, Day 2
April 29 at the Palladium, Worcester
Words and photos by
Carina Mastrocola
While Friday brought the metal, Day 2 leaned more towards hardcore and had a larger crowd than the previous night: think more moshing and less drinking. Highlights not pictured below: Embrace the End, with dual singers who didn't cease moving, jumping, and screaming. God Forbid: if the number of people singing along to every song was any indication, the new album is being well received. Montreal's Ion Dissonance, who had the club going crazy with songs that're like a non-stop beatdown that changes every two seconds. Immolation, who had the entire front of the barricade filled with legions of necksnapping metalheads. Into the Moat, who played a tight set with a few long and absolutely quiet breaks between songs. Hate Eternal: horns and headbanging was all you saw the crowd giving; their new drummer Kevin Talley is a great fit for them. And Suffocation, whom the soundman tried to cut off jsut as Frank was saying "One more," but after a moment of confusion they decided to play a final song anyway.

Arch Enemy: Yes, yet another European, female-fronted metal band headlined for the second day straight!

Exodus: the crowd lost it for these kings of thrash!

On Broken Wings: wow, their newer music sounds a lot more deathmetal and less hardcore.

Overcast: yes, a reunion show featuring Shadows Fall's Bryan Fair and his infamous dreds.

Scars of Tomorrow: sounded good even though I didn't recognize the band members.

Since the Flood: they bounced all over the stage and I had the opportunity of catching Dave in midair. I can't wait to hear their new CD, their first record with Metal Blade.

Skinless: new frontman Jason got the crowd to step back from the barricade and then charge towards the stage in a tsunami of destruction.

Terror: their singer jumped into the crowd for all the key parts of their popular songs to let the crowd sing along with him.