Mp3 exclusive: 50 Cent remixed by G-Squared, Forbes

50 Cent will be eating crow -- and keeping his mouth shut, if he stands by his wager -- now that Yeezy put the squeeze on the biggest Billboard sales week in forever. (Music industry please take note: rap music is your last hope). The idea that Fiddy will suddenly disappear from the cluuuurb, however, is silly. Having gone inside-out and released all his pop material up front, Curtis has just unleashed his ghetto-superstar single "I Get Money" -- newly updated for his latest financial windfall. In a traditional sense, it's a remix featuring fellow Forbes-list-making megamoguls Diddy and Jay-Z. But, showing the kind of entrepreneurial swagger that rock musicians can only drool at, the aforementioned remix has been "branded" -- as in bought, sold, paid for -- by Forbes itself. Yep: not content with naming rights to stadiums and halftimes, corporate America is now purchasing the naming rights to rap songs. Which means that while this is the first time we've ever hot-linked to a rap remix hosted on a Fortune 500 media site, it may not be the last.
DOWNLOAD: 50 Cent, "I Get Money (Forbes 1, 2, 3 Remix)" (mp3)
All our indie-rock nerds will be clamoring for something less corporate, and we see you, dudes, we see you. Thankfully, Boston hip/house monster DJ G Squared cabled us his own remix of the same track, which has less starpower but packs a bigger punch. We won't spoil the surprise, but expect this to trip every college party night in Basstown all autumn long. At the very least, we hope he'll drop that shit tonight when he DJs at the Foundation Lounge down at the Hotel Commonwealth. Get familiar:
DOWNLOAD: 50 Cent, "I Get Money (DJ G-Squared Straight To The Money Mix) (mp3)