Friday, September 04, 2009
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Ryan Stewart

Spitzer Space Telescope
The line-up of Thursday’s Grand Ole Hoot also represents the discography of the Mama Bird Recording Co., a collective label helmed by Lonesome Vince and populated by a loose family of devout Hooters. (If right now you’re picturing some sort of awesome knife-fight dance-duel thing between these guys and the Whitehaus Family Record, I’m way ahead of you.)
Because folk is all about giving, and because the Mama Birders are all about folk, they’ve given us an MP3 sampler of new songs. Consider it a trailer for Thursday’s big show — not the full story, but a few key lines.
OLD HANNAH | “WHEN I DIE” | “The original lyrics I had written for this song were two verses longer and all about the moons of Saturn,” says A.K. “[Bandmate] Tyler played me this melody and nixed the Star Wars thing I had going, which only improved the theme of life and life after death. I think.”
SPITZER SPACE TELESCOPE | “CALIFORNIA CONDOR” | “Only listen to this song really fucking loud,” says Dan McDonald. “Based on the mouth-bow songs of Buffy Sainte-Marie, ‘California Condor’ is capo’d up really high to resemble the sound of a mandolin.”
BARNA HOWARD | “SOLDIER IN THE SUN” | “This was originally a poem written in response to losing a friend,” says Howard. “It is both a statement and a reminder.”
VIKESH KAPOOR | “OH, SIV” (LIVE IN NASHVILLE) | “Sometimes a truth is realized only after you’ve lost the chance to speak it,” says Kapoor. “This song was written for a dark-haired, dark-eyed Norwegian girl named Siv, who left on a train.”
-- Michael Brodeur
PREVIOUSLY: Allston neo folk scene unearthed!
PREVIOUSLY: Rootin' tootin' Hootin'