Snoop Dogg releases brand new song for Prince William's bachelor party

If that isn't the best headline since "Headless Body in Topless
Bar," we're not sure what is. Seriously, Snoop likes to get his
pimp paws on everything. Remember when he wanted to cameo on the British soap Coronation Street? And when he did cameo on One Life to Live? And when he lent his smooth, sexually seuctive voice to a freaking GPS system?? (Not that that wasn't sort of an awesome idea, because, ok, it was. "Hang a rizzle hizzle in a quarter mizzle.")
seriously, hip hop's reigning king of the dog park (sorry DMX) is
reportedly dropping a new track, titled "Wet," exclusively on his website
today at 4:20 PST (over here on the East Coast you'll have to wait just a
bit longer) that he recorded in honor of the Prince's pending nuptials.
So awesome.
Just the thought of William, Charles, and Co. getting down
to Snoop Dogg while sipping snifters of brandy between body shots of
Pimm's Cup, and trying to make the royal guardsmen giggle (well, we don't
know what those Royals do at their bachelor parties, but nipple tassels
and tequila probably don't make the cut) is enough to make us
actually care about the big Royal Wedding Hooplah. Which we don't, we
really don't. But apparently Snoop does. "When
I heard the royal family wanted to have me perform in celebration of
Prince William's marriage, I knew I had to give them a little
something," he said. "'Wet' is the perfect anthem for Prince
William or any playa to get the club smokin'." "Wet" is set to be the
second single off his new upcoming album, Doggumentary Music. Keep your eye out for the drop sometime this evening...the Queen's probably refreshing his page at this very moment.