Daily street art: the Valentine's edition
Maybe it's just my inner cynic creeping out, but Valentine's Day seems like a holiday created by greeting card companies to make everyone feel bad about themselves. Okay, that's my totally subjective (and pretty much completely false) take on it. According to Wiki, though, the first mass-produced Valentines hailed from Worcester, Mass., so apparently it's partly our (and by our, I mean the past and present residents of Massachusetts) fault:
"The first mass-produced valentines of embossed paper lace were produced and sold shortly after 1847 by Esther Howland (1828-1904) of Worcester, Massachusetts.... Since 2001, the Greeting Card Association has been giving an annual "Esther Howland Award for a Greeting Card Visionary.
In the second half of the twentieth century, the practice of
exchanging cards was extended to all manner of gifts in the United
States, usually from a man to a woman. Such gifts typically include roses and chocolates. In the 1980s, the diamond industry began to promote Valentine's Day as an occasion for giving jewelry."
Yes, we all know about those diamond commercials, they make me want to chuck something at my television. So, in honor of the big V, here's something better to rest your eyes on - Valentine's-themed street art!
In Boston (Nineta mends her broken heart):

Photo by l a i a.
In France (Paris):

Photo by Aaltra.
In Italy (Rome):

Photo by art crimes.
In Spain:

Photo by goandgo.
In England (Bristol):

Photo by iyers.
Also in Spain (Barcelona):

Another flick by goandgo.
Somewhere in Europe (robot love):

Photo by -Three-.
AND, in New York City:

Photo by RFullerRD.
Happy V-day.