Cool, New Obama T-Shirt Designs
How can you question Obama's ideas on how to fix the economy when the man is already doing it without even trying? Between the campaign, election day, and the inauguration, Obama has created a bounty of jobs in the street vending industry and online t-shirt proprietors. Now if we could only get these people to have them made in America....
Check out some of these hilarious and cool designs:

Here Obama has been awakened to come save America from evil Republican Decepticons.

The Jordan name is a marketing machine, so really, what better comparison is there?

It's true, Obama does represent a new style that everyone won't mind being caught wearing after Labor Day.

I'll spare you from a hackneyed reference...but only because I pity you....fool!

This is just adorable, and it starts kids off early.

I wouldn't mind Obama addressing the public from the oval office with his feet up on his desk...but only if he's sporting laceless Adidas.

If this is true I would love to see him break on some cardboard outside the Lincoln Memorial.
Does your chain hang low?
Clich here for one last, copyrighted, treat