48 Hour Film Project
Last weekend, Associate Design Director Kevin Banks and I participated in the
48 Hour Film Project, a caffeine-fueled filmmaking competition extravaganza that pits teams of visual racanteurs against one another in the hopes that, by the end of the weekend, they'll have produced a 5-7 minute film, and not dropped dead in the process.
The premise of the contest is this: teams convene on Friday night and are given a line of dialogue, a prop, and the name of a character, all of which MUST be used in the film. Individual teams are also given a genre of film. Which is how, two years ago, I ended up making a movie about Arbor Day and a tree elf.
This year? Representing The Phoenix on the Glasseye Films team (largely composed of genius people from Cramer) Kevin and I suited up for a Sci-Fi film about workin' for the man. Who's got a gun. And crazy eyes.

Our film, called "Conversion," screens tonight at the Kendall Square Theater, at 9:30.