
Mix-tape From Beyond the Grave: most emo idea ever or funereal jackpot?


There are people out there that are just dying to get into the record business...but this probably isn't exactly what most of them have in mind. For a nominal fee of just £2000 (a little over $3,000) a UK company called And Vinyly will press the ashes of your cremated body into up to 30 records, so that you and your loved ones can rock out together post-mortem.

And Vinyly is the brainchild of Jason Leach, founder of a number of record labels including House of Fix and Daftwerk. The records will play any audio you choose, including self-made recordings (we're willing to be that a whole lot of people are going with Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper" though we'd probably think outside this particular casket and have our earthly remains soldered to, say, an EP of Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" because, uh, we like to party) or, more creepily still, nothing at all. Your personal record can contain 24 straight minutes (that's all, dead air the records can hold) of crackling silence, during which the listener can strain to hear your voice echoing from beyond the grave while systematically performing sacrificial rituals on the neighbor's cat Buttons. Or something like that.

But seriously, for a certain sub-set of creep-tastic music lovers, this has got to be the best idea ever. And it's definitely a better option than the ole toot your dead relative up your sinuses routine favored by Keith Richards. That gift that, fun as it is, only lasts about a half an hour, give or take. Music is forever. And Vinyly offers a number of different packages to suit their customers' needs. If you don't want to spend an arm and a leg on your final shout-out to the can just spend a leg. Or an arm. Or a...well, that's a personal choice. And Vinyly will make records out of any single body part you choose. Actually, this whole idea is really starting to grow on a creeping mold. We wonder if we'd have to somehow secure the rights to Double Rainbow before having our charred remains pressed into 30 copies of it. It'd be worth it. 

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