
Meet the Mayor: Hong Kong

Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment where we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.


Hong Kong
Ashish Datta

So you're Mayor of the Hong Kong. How honored are you?
The Hong Kong doesn't actually give you anything for being the Mayor, but yeah, it's kind of an honor.

What would you like them to give you?
There are a couple of restaurants and local merchants that will give you stuff if you're the Foursquare Mayor. I'd appreciate it if the Hong Kong gave me a free appetizer or a free drink for being the Mayor. That'd be awesome.

How many scorpion bowls can you drink?
I think I got two down one time in a scorpion-bowl race. It probably wasn't the smartest idea, but whatever. You probably shouldn't gamble on who can drink the fastest, because going double or nothing becomes a much more painful proposition.

Hong Kong, 1238 Mass Ave, Cambridge | 617.864.5311 |

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