Play Stuff's "Haute or Not?" and be the judge of what's fashion and what's just foul

Unlike our fashion-savvy friends over at Stuff, we here at the Phoenix
are sort of....clueless. We don't know our Gucci from our Pucci from our
Susan Lucci, is what we're saying. But that doesn't stop us from
straddling our high horses and judging, judging, judging right along
with our tastemaking peers. Thus, Haute or Not? -- a
very user-friendly (even if your knowledge of couture is remedial at
best) game in which, with just the slightest click of your mouse, you
too can be the authority on what flies as fashion in this town. And what
just sort of flops. It's easy: give a big digital thumbs up or down to
the many looks that strutted the runways at Boston Fashion Week 2010, and
instantly see how many of your fellow Bostonians agree. Beats whatever else you'd be doing at work right now, doesn't it? So
channel your nattiest Tim Gunn (yeah, we know who he is) and decide what
works, dammit. Because you don't have to be well-versed in Vogue to tell the world that stirrup pants should never, ever make their comeback.
PLAY: "Haute or Not?"
READ: Stuff Boston's complete Boston Fashion Week 2010 coverage