Meet the Mayor: Grendel’s Den
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Grendel's Den
Abigail Taylor
Would your boyfriend
who bartends here serve Beowulf?
If Beowulf showed up, Ned would be like, "Dude, take that
metal armor off. It's not okay to wear that in the bar, and put down the sword.
I don't know how you got through the door with that thing." Then he'd say,
"Okay, what do you want?"
Your most interesting
experience here?
I guess every night's an experience here, but sometimes you'll
be sitting across the bar from some Harvard professor who's the most worldly
person in the world.
Or is about to invent
time travel!
Exactly. He may be figuring out a formula to make our
dependence on gasoline go away. Who knows?
I'm told they once
had a kickin' salad bar?
That was part of UpStairs on the Square, up there. They had
the most amazing salad bar with crazy stuff like weird hummus, interesting
types of tofu, and weird vegetables!
Your thoughts on
weird vegetables?
I love all vegetables.
Even Nazi vegetables?
There's no such thing.
. . .
What if you put a Hitler mustache on a potato?
I don't know if that would work. There are no evil
vegetables, although some four-year-old kids might disagree. Eat your
Want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us
a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email And for tips, friend