Random Acts of WTF: "I'm Rich" Guy

The scene: Starbucks on Brookline Ave, a little before 3 pm on Thursday.
A line of caffeine-seekers spills out the door. Baristas hustle to keep up.
Suddenly a man strides in. He shouts, "I'M RICH! I'M RICH!" and flings fistfulls of dollar bills into the air. They flutter like fat green snow, propelled upward by the store's fan system. No one moves. The customers stare. The baristas stare. The man -- later described by witnesses as "about 40," "sharply dressed," and "possibly Somali" -- turns, calmly, and walks out the door and down the street.
Barista Chantelle Taylor said that when baffled staff members gathered the money, it added up to roughly $100, she said. They donated it to Japan relief.
"I'm Rich" Guy has not been seen again. But two dollar bills lodged in the Starbucks's ceiling, where they wave gently in the breeze, right above the cash register. "We're going to leave them there," Taylor said.