Meet the Mayor: Kings
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Jeff Kenney
I've got to say, those
are outstanding boots.
Oh, yeah. I wanted boots that were high. I saw them online
and got them on Amazon. I've got a few different pairs of them. These are
probably the third pair of these I've had. They start wearing out. Sometimes, a
buckle will break.
Do they enhance your
ability to kick ass?
I try not to. The funny thing is, I've gone places and
people will say out of the blue, "Hey, I remember you and your boots." Or I'll
go to Harvard Square,
and those guys - when I haven't been there for a couple of months - they'll be
like, "Hey, I remember your boots." So it does stick out.
Best and worst
experiences here at Kings?
That's a tough one. Worst experience . . . probably when
there's some bad karaoke and I don't have my headset on me.
What do you normally
sing at karaoke?
I don't do it. But If I was going to do one, I'd sing "Tequila."
It's easy. Maybe if they had some metal, I'd have a few in me.
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