Ain't no wager like a kitchen wager

Thanks to a head's up from Food and Wine's Mouthing
Off, I now have a real reason (besides wings, natch) to care about Superbowl XLVI.
Turns out the best chefs from New England are facing off against New York's crème de la
crème with the most high-stakes game-day bet ever conceived. No money, just
pure hide-your-head-in-the-sand humiliation. Here's the line-up:
The Team: New England
Representatives: Jamie Bissonnette from Toro and Coppa will
join forces with Sweet Cheeks' Tiffani Faison, Matt Jennings from Providence's La Laiterie and Farmstead and Gabriel Frasca of
Straight Wharf and Provisions.
The Team: The New York Giants
Representatives: Harold Dietrle of Perilla and Kin Shop,
Lee Anne Wong
of Vynl and Michael Ferraro of Delicatessen.
Stakes: For seven consecutive days, the representatives of the LOSING TEAM must:
the opposing team's jersey in their restaurant .The jersey cannot be removed during
work hours for any reason.
a Statue of Liberty hat (Boston)
or a lobster hat (NYC) in their restaurant. The hat cannot be removed during
work hours for any reason.
pastrami on rye (Boston)
or New England clam chowder (NYC) prominently on their menu with the following
wording: "In honor of the greatest football team on earth the Patriots/Giants,
[Restaurant name(s)] is proudly featuring [name of dish]."
a picture of themselves in their hats & jerseys eating the featured dish in
their restaurant all seven days.
WINNING TEAM will hand
deliver the jerseys and hats to the losing teams and taste the featured menu
No pressure, Brady.