HONK! Fest is going on now through Monday
Adams Stein Hoisting Competition | Hoist up big-ass steins of
beer as high as you can for a chance to win a trip to Germany. All
attendees are entered to win a home brewing kit. Open to male and female
hoisters. Free to compete and no cover for spectators before 10 pm at Ned
Devine's tonight from 9 to 11 pm | steinhoisting.eventbrite.com
Fest | The activist street band festival is back for another year
with 34 bands and counting, they'll be playing music and more in and around
Union, Davis, and Harvard Squares tonight through Monday, October 8 |
Book Talk | Scholar and anarchism advocate Randall Amster
discusses his book Anarchism Today at
the Lucy Parsons Center
tonight @ 7 pm | lucyparsons.org
reception for The BIG BAD | New exhibit featuring collabos between
local artists and musicians exploring the theme of "bad" influences in our
society. Soundtrack by said musicians including Fat Creeps, Fagettes, and
Coyote Kolb to be played on loop behind exhibit at the Nave Gallery, opening Saturday,
October 6 @ 6 pm | facebook.com
Studios in Roxbury + Lowell | If you're around either of these
neighborhood this weekend their local galleries and art spaces are opening their
doors on Saturday, October 6-Sunday, October 7- Lowell from 11 am to 5 pm and Roxbury from 11 am to 7 pm | roxburyopenstudios.org
or lowellopenstudios.org
Rocks & Rolls Record and Art Fair | The second annual edition of the
indie art fair has vendors selling homemade and artisanal wares that range from
rare vintage LPs to funky handmade jewelry, clothes, and art to locally made
food and beauty products and more at Spontaneous Celebrations on Sunday,
October 7 from noon to 3 pm | jprocksandrolls.com
Local Food Festival | Celebration of eating locally with
local farmers, a "Seafood Throwdown," chef demos, DIY demos in pickling, home
brewing, and more, vendors, and more on the Rose Kennedy Greenway on Sunday,
October 7 from 11 am to 5 pm | bostonlocalfoodfestival.com
Our Doors" | The Fenway Alliance presents a day of free "cultural
experiences" including live music from Zili Misik and others, a parade, glass-blowing
demos, open houses at Fenway Studios, and more. It kicks off at the Christian Science Plaza
on Monday, October 8 from 10 am to 4 pm | fenwayculture.org
Disorientation Show #1 | Celebrate
the official relaunch of WFNX (October 31 bitchezz!!) with us at three
--totally free-- shows this October. The first of which is tonight with The
Static Jacks, Camden,
and WFNX DJ Liz Pelly on Wednesday, October
10 @ 7 pm | RSVP at wfnx.net/disorientation
Salon: "Public Space! And Public Fun!" | With talks from James
Cobalt of local flash-mob group the Boston Societies of Spontaneity and Mary
Goodman, organizer of 2011's temporary public art installation "Wandering
Cricket Night Market" at Arts at the Armory on Wednesday, October 10 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm | somervilleartscouncil.org/salon/fun
For more free stuff...and other fun shit....follow us @bostonfunshit and on facebook