Free Fun Shit: Oct 26-Nov 1: Boston Book Fest, creepy art exhibits, WFNX re-launch party, veggie food fest, zombie prom, fluxus performance art + more

"Everything That Creeps" is open thru Oct 31 and has a reception on Saturday at Lincoln Arts Project
Annual Zombie Prom :: Salem's annual zombie costume ball with
give-a-ways, free Captain Morgan Black tastings, the crowning of the Zombie
King and Queen, and more at Vic's Boathouse :: Saturday, October 26 @ 8:30 pm
:: facebook event
Hellbound III: Darkness Gallery Show + Costume
Party ::
Art show for the third edition of the Boston Comics Roundtable's horror
anthology. Event includes live zombie and monster caricatures, "sketch
fighting," a costume contest, and more. :: Andromeda Gallery :: Saturday, October
27 @ 6 pm ::
Boston Book Festival ::
With free events centered in and around Copley Square- cool author appearances,
lectures, and more (don't forget to check out our editors picks!) :: Saturday,
October 27 from 10 am to 7 pm ::
Vegetarian Food Festival :: With food samples, more than 100
exhibitors, expert speakers, chef demos, vegan dietitian consultations, and
more at the Reggie Lewis Athletic Center :: Saturday, October 27 from 11 am to
6 pm and October 28 from 10 am to 4 pm ::
242 presents Everything That Creeps
:: Reception/opening party for the Halloween themed exhibit-- open for
one week only, they Oct 31-- at the Lincoln Arts Project :: Saturday, October
27 from 7 to 10 pm ::
Of The Living Deadhead Halloween Party" :: With CreaturoS
(cassette release party for "Swampp Thingg"), the Migs, Freak Flag DJs, a
costume contest, and more at ZuZu :: Monday, October 29 @ 10 pm ::
WFNX Relaunch
Party! : Celebrate and countdown with us on the eve of the big
relaunch (at midnight) with music by WFNX DJs and more-- free with RSVP --at
the Lansdowne Pub :: Tuesday, October 30 @ 8 pm :: RSVP at
Cupcakes' "Cupcakes From the Crypt" Coffin Tour :: Johnny Cupcakes stops back home on a
Halloween-themed tour with pop-up store selling limited edition tees, free
treats, and more at Johnny Cupcakes on Newbury :: Tuesday, October 30 @ 7 pm ::
Raphael Montañez Ortíz :: Participatory performance art with
the Destruction Art-movement and Fluxus artist, followed by a screening of rare
works at Remis Auditorium at the MFA :: Wednesday, October
31 from 7 to 9 pm ::
For more free stuff...and other fun shit....follow us @bostonfunshit and on facebook