Meet the Mayor: Allston [revisited]
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Thomas Martin
Since we last spoke,
you've remained mayor of seven different locations designated as "Allston."
What's the deal?
The Meet the Mayor interview with me came out
[last year], and all of a sudden people were like, "Hey, he shouldn't be mayor
of Allston. I should be mayor of Allston!" More people were ousting me for a
day. For a while, I had to have a spreadsheet to keep track, because if people
got frustrated that I kept re-taking the mayorship, they would just start their
own "Allston" location.
Remember when they found
those naked, crying frat pledges wandering around Ashford Street while covered
in condiments?
That sounds like a good party. I'm sorry I missed that. I had a
friend who lived on Ashford for a while. We were hanging out in the kitchen,
and it was one of those nights where there was a party at every other house.
All these strangers were just letting themselves in going, "This party sucks!"
not knowing that we were not, in fact, having a party.
Would Mr. Butch be proud
of the current state of Allston?
I don't think he would notice. Allston is just sort of life's
vicious cycle repeating itself every semester.
Want to be interviewed about your
Foursquare mayorship? Give us
a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or
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