Free Fun Shit: Nov 16-22: Banditos Misteriosos' "Company Wide Gift Swap," homade/foraged food swap, Blackwolfgoat, outdoor bootcamp/breakfast, Keith Pierce of Mellow Bravo solo + more

A past Banditos Misteriosos Gift Swap
Misteriosos' "Company-Wide Gift Swap" :: This year's annual
holiday gift swap if office-themed. "Good gift" examples include "handmade desk
clutter" and "homemade inbox/outbox accessories. So, basically, get creative. Location TBA at midnight the day of the event
:: Saturday, November 17 @ 1 pm ::
:: Today is the unveiling of Faneuil's custom LED light and sound
holiday show- and the lighting of the biggest tree in the country!-- with music
by the Holiday Pops at Faneuil Hall Marketplace :: Saturday, November 17 @ 4:30
pm (on display through Dec 31) ::
Wolf :: The controversial feminist author discusses her new book,
Vagina: A New Biography at the Jewish
Community Center of Greater Boston :: Sunday, November 18 @ 2:30 pm ::
Boston Food Swap: Thanksgiving
Edition :: Bring anything from homemade granola to sausages to
home-brewed beers and more to swap with others in this Thanksgiving edition of
the big swap. Just remember all swap items must be homemade, homegrown, or
foraged. No store bought items allowed! That's at Space With a Soul :: Sunday, November
18 @ 2 pm ::
Bootcamp & Breakfast" :: City Sports co-presents this free
one-hour outdoor bootcamp in Porter Square, followed
by a post-workout breakfast at City Sports. Meet at City Sports pre-workout, registration
required :: Sunday, November 18 @ 10 am ::
:: Doom metal, with Allysen Callery + Quarterly at ZuZu :: Monday, November 19 @ 10 pm ::
Helpings: Comedy To Fill Your Belly" :: Comedy showcase with Ken
Reid, Andrew Mayer, John Paul Rivera, Nick Chambers, Rob Crean, and special
guests TBA :at the Milky Way :: Wednesday, November 21 @ 9 pm ::
Pierce (Of Mellow Bravo) :: Playing with the Ice Cream Trucks at
the Middle East corner :: Wednesday, November
21 @ 9:30 pm ::
For more free stuff...and other fun shit....follow us @bostonfunshit and on facebook