Meet the Mayor: Middle East Upstairs
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Middle East Upstairs
Jere PilapilHow did you get this mayorship?
honestly don't know how this happened. I'm there a lot of Tuesdays for a
comedy open mic, and that's about it. I'm kind of a bad mayor that way.
I'm kind of a negligent presence. The event only takes place once a
week, so if anyone wants to take my mayorship, it wouldn't be that hard.
What kind of comedy do you do?
Um, observational. Non sequiturs.
Could you offer our readers a non sequitur?
Raccoons would be adorable if they could just keep their guts inside.
Ever been inside the Middle East Upstairs on a sold-out summer day? It's like being inside someone's mouth.
literally only been to the Middle East Upstairs for that open mic. I
may have checked in once when I was using the bathroom while hanging out
outside waiting for someone. I'm like a mayor who just goes to town
hall and never stays in town otherwise.
You're like Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts.
If you were him, how would you have handled this election thing differently?
I would've sat down and counted my money instead of wasting my time.
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