Mayor of Running the Charles
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Running the Charles River
Atinuke O. Diver
So you ran around the Westie portion of the Charles to train for the Boston Marathon? What was that like?
it was really hot, and when you make that turn coming up to the finish
line, it's pretty momentous. You're so tired and hungry and thirsty that
everything you eat in the next 24 hours tastes amazingly better than it
usually would. Like, water tastes amazing. Crackers taste amazing.
You're probably good at chasing people. Had to chase anyone recently?
haven't had to chase anyone down, thankfully. But I will say that the
conditioning from running is helpful for quick pedestrian crossing
situations. I'm very confident if I only have five seconds left to get
across while the orange hand is taunting me, I can actually make it
across the street without getting hit by an oncoming vehicle.
running in the same part of town where the Celtics play. So combine
your two favorite sports, and name the new amalgam sport.
I'm going to say tetherball and dodgeball. It would be called "Watch Yourself."
Want to be interviewed about your
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