Doug Rodrigues, with a big-ass knife, in the kitchen at Clio.
"I'm kind of a live wire," Clio executive chef Doug Rodrigues told the Phoenix earlier this month. "I'm not consistent, and people can’t
really read me most of the time. As soon as you think I’m some hard-ass prick,
I’ll go soft on you."
Well, clarification: Rodrigues is no longer employed at Clio. But he was still executive chef -- in fact, he had just been promoted to that position from Chef de Cuisine at Ken Oringer's award-winning Back Bay flagship, a restaurant regularly described as one of the nation's finest -- when he spoke to reporter Cassandra Landry for a story that hits newsstands tomorrow (and is online now). Under the headline "Fresh Blood: Meet Boston's New Culinary Muscle" -- a title which now registers as wicked uncanny -- the Phoenix describes Rodrigues as one of the city's most exciting up-and-coming chefs. Rodrigues's promotion to exec chef had not been widely publicized; a Scituate native who harbored dreams of becoming a pro skateboarder until he "shattered his heel jumping off something way too high" a couple years ago, he'd spent seven years rising through the ranks at Clio. To accompany the Phoenix profile, we shot the above photo of Rodrigues plunging a huge-ass butcher knife into a skateboard.
Because of the Presidents' Day holiday, we shipped tomorrow's issue to the printer on Friday.
Early Sunday morning, according to Boston Police, Rodrigues was arrested in the Back Bay for allegedly stabbing a guy.
According to published reports, the alleged stabbing appears to be accidental. Former Phoenix intern and current Back Bay Patch reporter Nate Homan reports that the cops found Rodrigues upstairs at the Crossroads, a bar on Beacon Street, just after 2 am. Nearby was the victim, a man who was bleeding so profusely that the blood soaked his jeans and pooled on the floor. According to Patch, Rodrigues told police, "I stabbed him." Rodrigues was cuffed, and police found a folding knife with a bloody two-and-a-half-inch blade. As a bystander attempted to use a belt as a tourniquet, the man who had been stabbed turned "pale and clammy and started to slip into unconsciousness," according to Patch.
The Patch report continues: "A witness told officers that she was talking to the suspect about how
she should carry a knife for self-defense. The witness said that she
did not know how to open a folding knife. The suspect then showed her
how to open the knife and how to make a stabbing motion. While
demonstrating the stabbing motion, the suspect stabbed the victim in the
thigh, just above the knee."
Rodrigues was arrested at the scene on charges of assault and battery.
Yesterday, a PR representative informed the Phoenix that Rodrigues was no longer employed at Clio. The representative confirmed that Rodrigues's exit was tied to the knife incident, but declined further comment. On Monday, Ken Oringer tweeted: "Looking for a passionate hungry driven creative chef de cuisine @ClioBoston anyone interested."
Presumably, stabby ex-skateboarders from Scituate need not apply.
Fresh Blood: Meet Boston's New Culinary Muscle [The Phoenix]
Man Teaching Woman How To Open Folding Knife at Bar Stabs Friend [Back Bay Patch]