This Saturday at 808 Gallery: Festooning's re-scheduled APiSOCiAL SATURDAY

In the February 8th issue of The Phoenix, we told you about Festooning the Inflatable Beehive, a conceptual art project created by local artists/activists/beekeepers Maria Molteni and Colette Aliman. The project is on display now through March 30 as part of the exhibition "System: ECOnomies." In that article, we also highlighted a series of workshops and discussions organized for February 9th at 808 as part of the project. Due to that weekend's blizzard, they were re-scheduled for this Saturday, February 23rd. Check out the entire new schedule of events below, which includes discussions of "everything from honeybee genetics and waggle dancing to sacred geometry and sexuality related to Apis mellifera." Learn more about the project at the Festooning blog.
>> READ MORE: Bee-havior: ''Festooning the Inflatable Beehive'' at BU's 808 Gallery

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