The author of Beer Lover's New England talks beer at a talk/tasting thing at Trident Books on Thursday the 28th
Time is it, Mr. Fox? Album Release Show | Release show for their new album Little
Bit of Blue. Steampunk attire encouraged.. | UForge Gallery, 767 Centre St, Jamaica
Plain | Friday, February 22 @ 7 pm | uforgegallery.com
Winter Fest | Most activities and events at Lowell's annual winter festival are free.
Activities include a soup competition, microbrew showcase and competition
(probs not free,) live music, a big trivia challenge, and more | Downtown Lowell
| Friday, February 22 + Saturday, February 23 | lowell.org/Pages/Winterfest.aspx
Saturdays | Lecture series about urban beekeeping as part of the Alternative Visions/Sustainable Futures programming and
in conjunction with the exhibition System ECOnomies. Talks include "Teachers'
Pets: An Introduction to Apiphilia" and more. Stick around after the
lectures for drone music (get it?) by Borey Shin | 808 Gallery at BU, 808 Comm Ave, Boston
| Saturday, February 23 from 11:30 am to 7 pm | facebook event
UFC 157 Screening | Want to
watch the big fight but don't want to shell out $60 for Pay-Per-View? Spirit Bar
is screening it for free (and claim to be the only bar in the area doing so!)
No cover before 8 pm, so get there early | Spirit Bar, 2046 Mass Ave, Cambridge
| Saturday, February 23 before 8 pm | thespiritbars.com
History Month Celebration | Party with live music, soul food,
and more | Villa Victoria Center
for the Arts, 85 West Newton St,
Boston | Saturday, February 23
from 3 to 5 pm | facebook event
| Bluesy rock from ex-Bodega Girls/Kingsley Flood band members. Metal
Feathers and Ramen Noodle Blackout share the bill |
ZuZu, 474 Mass Ave, Cambridge | Monday, February 25 @ 10 pm |
Eros Screening | Screening of the 2004 Italian drama comprising three short
segments directed by Steven Soderbergh, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Wong
Kar-wai that address themes of love and sex | Harvard Film Archive in the
Carpenter Center, 24 Quincy St, Cambridge | Tuesday, February 26 @ 7 pm |
With Gallery Basquiat & Friends | Gallery Basquiat founder
Aziza Robinson curated mix-media works from local artists for this edition of
the Future Boston presented creative event | Emerald Lounge, 200 Stuart St,
Boston | Wednesday, February 27 @ 7 pm | futureboston.com
Beer Lover's New England: Reading And Tasting
| Author Norman Miller discusses his book and guides attendees on a
tasting of some New England's beers | Trident
Booksellers & Café, 338
Newbury St, Boston |
Thursday, February 28 @ 7:30 pm | tridentbookscafe.com
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