Meet the RobinsonsThe Jetsons all over again March 29,
2007 5:17:50 PM
VIDEO: Watch the trailer for Meet the Robinsons.
A few decades from now, Canada will be Northern Montana, people will float through cities in soap bubbles, and frogs will sing Sinatra. Or so this brisk animated Disney pic has it. It’s The Jetsons with a family-friendly dose of Terminator time bending thrown in. In the now, young orphan Lewis (voiced by Daniel Hansen and Jordan Fry) fails at his science-fair project but is implored to keep at it by Wilbur (Wesley Singerman), a boy claiming to be from the future. It seems the fate of tomorrow hangs on Lewis, and to convince him of that, Wilbur whisks him across the years to meet the screwball family of title. A dimwitted Snidely Whiplash clone (Stephen J. Anderson, who also directs) with a pet t-rex stand in the way of the boys’ ironing out history. But flashes of wit and whimsy notwithstanding, the future is just as sentimentalized as the past.