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A Quick Morning After Sum Up

In an age when the word "historic" is vastly overused, this truly deserves the label. Regular readers of this column and blog probably know how we read the election. All through the Democratic contest -- except for a few months when Obama stumbled -- we rated him as the candidate to beat -- far stronger than the pundits (and Hillary) realized. In the general election, we anticipated a close race -- and thought that McCain might even have a slight edge against a candidate so new. But the financial meltdown not only wiped out trillions of dollars, it wiped out McCain's candidacy too.

By the way, the polls largely got it right.


  • LorenzoJennifer said:

    At least a word in passing as John McCain departs

    the national scene.  He got it right in his presidential nomination acceptance speech when he linked "experience" and "change" professing that he had the experience to bring about meaningful change.  He concluded by asking the audience and viewers to "fight with me."  AP polls had him 4 points ahead of Barack Obama on September 10. Then the mortgage meltdown saw the roof cave in. McCain, on a recent CNN cablecast, indicated that he knew nothing about economics.  The quote was often repeated in Obama's press releases and McCain did not challenge. His befuddlement as to how to deal with the economic downturn caused him to amp up negative campaigning to beat Obama.  McCain's crew included Karl Rove protege Steve Schmidt and assorted Bush campaign leftovers.  Could be a case of "identification with the aggressor." McCain likely tried to get these guys to use against Obama the same fear and smear tactics they used against him in the 2000 GOP primaries. Choosing Sarah Palin, in addition to gaining favor with the religious right, may have suggested that McCain considers the Vice Presidency itself to have throw-away value. John

    Sidney McCain III entered the national scene as the quick-witted and approachable driver on the Straight Talk Express, a daring maverick who challenged conventional wisdom. He departs as an angry and embittered man void of new ideas who used character issues to defeat an opponent. Like to think there is more to McCain than all that.

    November 5, 2008 10:26 AM

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