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Instant Analysis of GOP Iowa Caucus Results: Huckabee Decisively Defeats Romney

Instant Analysis of GOP Iowa Caucus Results: Huckabee Decisively Defeats Romney
Early evening: Mike Huckabee has won the Iowa caucuses decisively over Mitt Romney -- perhaps by something approaching double digits. This is a severe blow obviously to the Romney candidacy which now faces virtually a must-win in a New Hampshire contest...
by Importer | Jan 03, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

What Dominated the TV News Last Night In Des Moines?

What Dominated the TV News Last Night In Des Moines?
The press continues to focus on Huckabee's "meltdown" press conference of two days ago . Meanwhile, what dominated the TV news last night in Des Moines? According to Mike Allen of the Politico , it was the Huck and Chuck rally which featured...
by Importer | Jan 02, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

If The Press Says Huckabee's “Meltdown” Will Cost Him The Caucus, It Probably Means It's Irrelevant

If The Press Says Huckabee's “Meltdown” Will Cost Him The Caucus, It Probably Means It's Irrelevant
The Iowa campaign media, hungry for a dramatic moment and hypersensitive to anything that looks like a trend, have seized on Mike Huckabee’s press conference yesterday (where he announced he was pulling a negative ad at the last minute but showed it anyway...
by Importer | Jan 01, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

Update to Des Moines Register Poll: There's a Huge "If" Attached But "If" The Poll is Accurate, It Doesn't Only Help Obama -- It Helps Huckabee

Update to Des Moines Register Poll: There's a Huge "If" Attached But "If" The Poll is Accurate, It Doesn't Only Help Obama -- It Helps Huckabee
Last night, we wrote briefly about the last Des Moines Register poll that shows Obama significantly ahead of Clinton and Edwards -- in contrast to the flow of several other polls that actually had Obama heading into last. Here's the significant difference...
by Importer | Jan 01, 2008 | with no comments

Two Scenarios For A Last-Minute Iowa GOP Surge

Two Scenarios For A Last-Minute Iowa GOP Surge
With Thursday looming, here's what could happen in the GOP race to tilt things one way or the other: Romney: The constant negative attacks keep working and with a superior organization, Romney grinds out a victory, with McCain and Thompson cutting...
by Importer | Dec 30, 2007 | with 2 comment(s)

Mike Huckabee: They Love Him for the Enemies He's Made

Mike Huckabee: They Love Him for the Enemies He's Made
Mike Huckabee: They love him for the enemies he's made. The Tote Board's take.
by Importer | Dec 21, 2007 | with 1 comment(s)

Tote Board Column -- 12/13 -- Country Cousins: Why Huckabee May Be the New Jimmy Carter

Tote Board Column -- 12/13 -- Country Cousins: Why Huckabee May Be the New Jimmy Carter
This week's Tote Board column -- why Mike Huckabee may be the new Jimmy Carter.
by Importer | Dec 13, 2007 | with no comments

Why Huckabee's Gaffes Aren't Gaffes

Why Huckabee's Gaffes Aren't Gaffes
Why Huckabee's "gaffes" aren't gaffes -- the Tote Board's take.
by Importer | Dec 11, 2007 | with 1 comment(s)

Rasmussen National Poll Now Has Huckabee As GOP Front-Runner

Rasmussen National Poll Now Has Huckabee As GOP Front-Runner
It is one heck of a turnaround: Rasmussen now has Huckabee in first place among Republicans in a national poll, albeit with only 20% of the vote . What's caused this is that Rudy Giuliani has dropped a full ten points in the last six days -- no doubt...
by Importer | Dec 05, 2007 | with no comments

The Significance of the New Des Moines Register Poll That Has Obama and Huckabee Ahead

The Significance of the New Des Moines Register Poll That Has Obama and Huckabee Ahead
This morning's latest numbers from the respected Des Moines Register poll, which voters in Iowa pay attention to: Obama: 28 Clinton: 25 Edwards: 23 Huckabee 29 Romney: 24 Giuliani: 13 The signficance: -- Romney is in trouble in Iowa. That isn't...
by Importer | Dec 02, 2007 | with 1 comment(s)

The Press Reacts to Last Night's CNN GOP Debate: Huckabee the Winner

The Press Reacts to Last Night's CNN GOP Debate: Huckabee the Winner
The press reaction to last night's debate generally conforms to what we said last night with one exception: While they give it to Huckabee, many found Giuliani to have an off night. Still, what counts is what went over in Iowa and David Yepsen in...
by Importer | Nov 29, 2007 | with 1 comment(s)

Rasmussen Iowa Poll Now Has Huckabee Ahead of Romney

Rasmussen Iowa Poll Now Has Huckabee Ahead of Romney
The latest Rasmussen poll now has Mike Huckabee ahead of Mitt Romney in Iowa 28%-25%. It's a stunning turnaround and if it holds -- a big "if" -- Mitt's campaign will virtually end the night of the Iowa caucuses.
by Importer | Nov 28, 2007 | with no comments

The New York Times GOP Numbers: If They're Right, Huckabee is Within Striking Distance of Romney in Iowa

The New York Times GOP Numbers: If They're Right, Huckabee is Within Striking Distance of Romney in Iowa
The GOP Republican numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire, according to the latest New York Times poll: IOWA Romney 27% Huckabee 21% Giuliani 15% (just the top 3 listed) NEW HAMPSHIRE Romney 34% Giuliani 16% McCain 16% (just the top 3 listed) Three significant...
by Importer | Nov 14, 2007 | with no comments

In the Latest National Rasmussen Poll, The Real News Is the Growing Strength of Romney

In the Latest National  Rasmussen Poll, The Real News Is the Growing Strength of Romney
Rasmussen is out with another national match-up today and while John McCain, again, continues to be the only Republican to run ahead of Hillary, the real news is that Romney now only trails Clinton by 5% -- 47%-42%. This continues an upwards trajectory...
by Importer | Nov 11, 2007 | with no comments

More Good News for Huckabee: In a National Rasmussen Matchup, He Trails Hillary By Only Three

More Good News for Huckabee: In a National Rasmussen Matchup, He Trails Hillary By Only Three
More good news for Mike Huckabee: In a national Rasmussen matchup with Hillary, he only trails by 3%, 46%-43%. The good news here is that only several weeks ago, Rasmussen didn't have Giuliani doing that much better -- he was ahead of Hillary by 2...
by Importer | Nov 08, 2007 | with no comments
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